One of our core beliefs at One Life Weekend is that God has prescribed in his Word how he is to be worshiped by the gathered church. We do not believe that our worship gatherings can be shaped by our preferences or what we believe will best appeal to the unregenerate. Rather, we believe that the Lord has ordered corporate worship in the way that will bring the most glory to his name and the most good to his people. We believe that the Lord has given prayer, singing, and expository preaching as ordinary means of grace by which he matures faith in his people and saves those who are dead in their sins and trespasses.
Therefore, our services at One Life Weekend aim to emulate Biblically-ordered corporate worship for the simple reason that we believe that this honors the Lord. We believe that he knows what we need, being all-wise, good, loving, and true. We believe that our hearts are deceitful and that we lack wisdom to know what is truly best for ourselves. Additionally, we believe that it is unhealthy for youth events (retreats, camps, conferences) to present something other than a biblically-ordered local church worship service. Therefore, while we recognize churches may have different elements, such a different types of prayer, or may sing more or fewer songs, it is our intent for worship services at One Life Weekend to emulate the worship services our participants will experience each and every Sunday morning as they gather with their local churches.
Our services are ordered as follows:
Call to Worship
Prayer of Adoration
Scriptural Call to Worship
Song (of Adoration)
Song (of Adoration)
Call to Confession and Assurance of Pardon
Song (of Confession)
Scriptural Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Scriptural Assurance of Pardon
Song (of Assurance of Pardon)
Supplication and Thanksgiving
Prayer of Supplication/Thanksgiving
Reading of the Sermon Text
Song (of Response)